2014 (published: 08.09.2014)
Number 2(15)
Home > Issue > Criteria of the assessment of efficiency of the mobile dampers
established on lamellar surfaces of refrigerators
Rykov S.V. , Rykov S.A.
Localwedge absorbers (LWA) are suitable for targeted broadband vibration damping structures for various purposes. Using the LWA has several advantages compared with obtaining widespread vibration damping coatings. Research carried out at the end of the last century, have shown the possibility of using the LWA for vibration control of structures. The article discusses the various design options LWA designed for damping resonant vibrations arising in various process equipment. The analysis of the LWA different geometric dimensions (thickness and width) with different impedances. In this paper according to estimate the average loss factor of the plate and the maximum frequency of effective work LWA. The comparison of the average and maximum values of the loss factor of the plate, the frequency range of effective use, weight of various embodiments of the LWA. The possibility of using several LWA impedance ratio is greater than one. The calculations were made in the mathematical package MathCad. Identified the areas to further improve mobile damper by upgrading its design.
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Keywords: vibration damper, a local wedge absorber, vehicular equipment, refrigeration equipment.
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Criteria of the assessment of efficiency of the mobile dampers
established on lamellar surfaces of refrigerators
Localwedge absorbers (LWA) are suitable for targeted broadband vibration damping structures for various purposes. Using the LWA has several advantages compared with obtaining widespread vibration damping coatings. Research carried out at the end of the last century, have shown the possibility of using the LWA for vibration control of structures. The article discusses the various design options LWA designed for damping resonant vibrations arising in various process equipment. The analysis of the LWA different geometric dimensions (thickness and width) with different impedances. In this paper according to estimate the average loss factor of the plate and the maximum frequency of effective work LWA. The comparison of the average and maximum values of the loss factor of the plate, the frequency range of effective use, weight of various embodiments of the LWA. The possibility of using several LWA impedance ratio is greater than one. The calculations were made in the mathematical package MathCad. Identified the areas to further improve mobile damper by upgrading its design.
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Keywords: vibration damper, a local wedge absorber, vehicular equipment, refrigeration equipment.