June 2018 (published: 22.06.2018)
Number 2(29)
Information for authors
The ITMO University’s scientific journal Refrigeration and Air Conditioning covers the following areas of knowledge: basic processes of refrigerating and cryogenic engineering, air conditioning and life support systems, vacuum engineering units, compressors and pneumatic systems, machinery and equipment, thermal physics and theoretical heat engineering.
The journal is published twice a year (March and September). Electronic versions of the journal’s articles are posted on its website www.refrigeration.ihbt.ifmo.ru, in the Scientific Electronic Library elibrary.ru (a leading Russian web resource for science, technology, medicine and education), and also on www.open-mechanics.com.
The materials for publication are to be forwarded as files to the e-mail addressivy94@rambler.ru
Documents to be submitted to the editors:
The author’s identifier (in Russian and in English):
- family name, first name and patronymic (in full)
- scientific degree and title
- name of the employer organization (according to the employer’s articles of association)
- the employer’s address
- e-mail address for contacts
- A review of the manuscript
A MSWord file containing:
- the text of the publication produced with any of the Microsoft Word applications, unformatted and with an UDC index (font: Times New Roman; font size of the main text: 14 pt; interval between lines: 1.15);
- an informative abstract (5–7 lines) in Russian and in English;
- keywords (5–10 ) in Russian and in English (Words and word groups singled out as keywords must be present in the text of the article);
- the article’s title should be in Russian and in English; illustrations are presented primarily in one of the Microsoft application formats (Word, Excel, Power Point) using the tools that would facilitate subsequent reproduction by small offset printing technique: line art (blueprints, diagrams, graphs, technical drawings, etc.) is produced according to the Unified System of Engineering Documentation by means of software-based graphic editors;
- citing sources, references, footnotes: literary sources in the list of references should conform to the GOST 7.0.5-2008 standards (special attention to be paid to the web sources) and numbered according to their sequence in the text (all cited sources in the list of references must be referred to in the text of the article).