2014 (published: 08.09.2014)
Number 2(15)
Home > Issue > Numerical investigation of the cryodestructive influence on biological tissue
Kublitskiy S.E.
The aim of this study is, first of all, development and ivestigation of mathematical model of the cryodestructive influence on biological tissue to form a nesessary database at design of the cryogenic equipment of medical appointment. Patent search of the progressive directions of cryosurgical systems development is executed. The sequence of stages is made when modeling cryodestroying impact on biological tissue. The task of modeling of thermal processes during cryodestructive influence is modified. To increase the efficiency of cryoimpact the two tasks of multidimensional optimization have been set. A task to create a new generation of the cryosurgical unit is formulated.
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Keywords: cryogenics, cryosurgery, cryoimpact, biological tissue.
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UDC 536.2
Numerical investigation of the cryodestructive influence on biological tissue
The aim of this study is, first of all, development and ivestigation of mathematical model of the cryodestructive influence on biological tissue to form a nesessary database at design of the cryogenic equipment of medical appointment. Patent search of the progressive directions of cryosurgical systems development is executed. The sequence of stages is made when modeling cryodestroying impact on biological tissue. The task of modeling of thermal processes during cryodestructive influence is modified. To increase the efficiency of cryoimpact the two tasks of multidimensional optimization have been set. A task to create a new generation of the cryosurgical unit is formulated.
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Keywords: cryogenics, cryosurgery, cryoimpact, biological tissue.