March 2015 (published: 02.03.2015)
Number 1(17)
Home > Issue > Energy indicators of educational buildings
Lysyov V.I. , Churyumov M.S., Shilin A.S.
The specific heat consumption for building heating during heating season is complex indicator. This indicator is main thing of energy assessment of buildings and constructions. In depending of function and number of flours of building, the numerical value is regulated by normative documents. For determine of calculation value of specific heat consumption for building heating during heating season, you need to know thermal and geometric properties of fencing structures of building and conditions of their functioning in depend on climatic conditions of region, where the building is situated. The field investigations were made. The thermal and geometric properties have been identified with requirements of energy passport of building. This allowed to do required calculations on determination of specific heat consumption for building heating during heating season. It was made comparison of the results with normative documents.
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Keywords: Energy indicators, Heating volume of a building, Index of the shape of a building, Glazing-to-wall ratio, Thermalperformanceofabuilding, Specific energy demand for heating.
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Energy indicators of educational buildings
The specific heat consumption for building heating during heating season is complex indicator. This indicator is main thing of energy assessment of buildings and constructions. In depending of function and number of flours of building, the numerical value is regulated by normative documents. For determine of calculation value of specific heat consumption for building heating during heating season, you need to know thermal and geometric properties of fencing structures of building and conditions of their functioning in depend on climatic conditions of region, where the building is situated. The field investigations were made. The thermal and geometric properties have been identified with requirements of energy passport of building. This allowed to do required calculations on determination of specific heat consumption for building heating during heating season. It was made comparison of the results with normative documents.
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Keywords: Energy indicators, Heating volume of a building, Index of the shape of a building, Glazing-to-wall ratio, Thermalperformanceofabuilding, Specific energy demand for heating.