March 2015 (published: 02.03.2015)
Number 1(17)
Home > Issue > The choice of the rational design of local wedge absorbers
for refrigerating machine design
Rykov S.A., Rykov S.V.
Traditionally for broadband damping are varied vibrationfree coverage. The disadvantages of the use of special coatings can be attributed to the greater complexity of their application to the insulated design of their considerable weight and not enough efficiency in the low frequency range. Currently, active research on the use of local wedge absorbers (LWA) for targeted broadband damping structures for various purposes, including equipment, refrigeration and food industry, ship structures, transport. It is shown that LWA have a number of advantages compared with the use of vibrocentric coatings. Research conducted at the end of the last century, showed the possibility of applying LWA for vibration control of structures. The paper estimates the options LWA for the case of installation on tempereau the surface of the single LWA and multiple LWA. Analyzed the maximum frequency efficient operation, maximum and average loss factors, the width of the frequency range effective work of the LWA. On the basis of the conducted researches conclusions about rational design of LWA, the optimal number of LWA for maximum effect vibration control of structures.
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Keywords: vibration damper, a local wedge absorber, vehicular equipment, refrigeration equipment.
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The choice of the rational design of local wedge absorbers
for refrigerating machine design
Traditionally for broadband damping are varied vibrationfree coverage. The disadvantages of the use of special coatings can be attributed to the greater complexity of their application to the insulated design of their considerable weight and not enough efficiency in the low frequency range. Currently, active research on the use of local wedge absorbers (LWA) for targeted broadband damping structures for various purposes, including equipment, refrigeration and food industry, ship structures, transport. It is shown that LWA have a number of advantages compared with the use of vibrocentric coatings. Research conducted at the end of the last century, showed the possibility of applying LWA for vibration control of structures. The paper estimates the options LWA for the case of installation on tempereau the surface of the single LWA and multiple LWA. Analyzed the maximum frequency efficient operation, maximum and average loss factors, the width of the frequency range effective work of the LWA. On the basis of the conducted researches conclusions about rational design of LWA, the optimal number of LWA for maximum effect vibration control of structures.
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Keywords: vibration damper, a local wedge absorber, vehicular equipment, refrigeration equipment.