June 2016 (published: 06.06.2016)
Number 2(22)
Home > Issue > The principle of mutual operation of air conditioning systems
and radiant heating systems for interior zones
Kochenkov N.V. , Motrev A.А.
An increasing interest to the heat pumps, on one hand, and requirements of building energy efficiency, on the other hand, results in increasing interest in application of low temperature heating systems. The greater usage of these systems requires analyzing of central air conditioning unit functioning together with radiant low temperature heating system and heat pump system. To improve efficiency of heat pumps, using CO2 as refrigerant, they must work with large temperature range in gas cooler. For example, heat pump may work on two temperature levels: heating fluid with temperatures 40–30 C for radiant floor heating, and heating fluid with temperature 70–40 C for heating coil of central air conditioning unit. Depending on the construction of heat pump system, it is possible to change the ratio of the specific heat needed for heating fluid in the radiant heating system, and specific heat needed for heating fluid in the heating coil of central air conditioning unit. The principle of mutual operation of central air conditioning unit and heating systems for interior zones is considered. Heat system can manage heating loads on central air conditioning unit that do not depend on outdoor temperature. Comparative calculation analysis of heat needed was made for three configurations of microclimate systems: single operating central air conditioning unit, mutual work of central air conditioning unit and convective heating system, mutual work of central air conditioning unit and radiant heating system.
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Keywords: heat pump, refrigerant, energy efficiency, central air conditioning unit, convective and radiant heating system.
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The principle of mutual operation of air conditioning systems
and radiant heating systems for interior zones
An increasing interest to the heat pumps, on one hand, and requirements of building energy efficiency, on the other hand, results in increasing interest in application of low temperature heating systems. The greater usage of these systems requires analyzing of central air conditioning unit functioning together with radiant low temperature heating system and heat pump system. To improve efficiency of heat pumps, using CO2 as refrigerant, they must work with large temperature range in gas cooler. For example, heat pump may work on two temperature levels: heating fluid with temperatures 40–30 C for radiant floor heating, and heating fluid with temperature 70–40 C for heating coil of central air conditioning unit. Depending on the construction of heat pump system, it is possible to change the ratio of the specific heat needed for heating fluid in the radiant heating system, and specific heat needed for heating fluid in the heating coil of central air conditioning unit. The principle of mutual operation of central air conditioning unit and heating systems for interior zones is considered. Heat system can manage heating loads on central air conditioning unit that do not depend on outdoor temperature. Comparative calculation analysis of heat needed was made for three configurations of microclimate systems: single operating central air conditioning unit, mutual work of central air conditioning unit and convective heating system, mutual work of central air conditioning unit and radiant heating system.
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Keywords: heat pump, refrigerant, energy efficiency, central air conditioning unit, convective and radiant heating system.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1148-2016-9-2-18-27