September 2016 (published: 30.09.2016)
Number 3(23)
Home > Issue > Definition of local concentration of the polluting particles in «pure rooms»
Grigoriev A.Y. , Grigoryev K.A. , Grinevich B.S. , Medvedeva K.A.
The role of the rooms equipped with systems of special purification of air constantly grows and is very important in many branches, including in electronics, food branch, pharmaceutics, medicine, etc. It is possible to define operability of «the pure room» only at his existence, but such experiments cost much, demanding a large number of appliances and time for their carrying out. The design techniques of "pure rooms" existing now, don't consider essential heterogeneity on space of concentration of the polluting particles that leads to unreasonable overestimate of cost of each meter of the room. In this work prerequisites of creation of the mathematical model allowing to determine local concentration of the polluting particles by room space eventually are made. It will allow to simplify a problem of check of operability of pure rooms at a stage of their design. Navier-Stokes's equations and the equation of change chemical components are the basis for the offered mathematical model of studying of the movement of air with the aerosol (polluting) particles. Novelty of model consists in attempt to describe the localized giving of clean air and to definition of the field of the polluting aerosol particles on room volume. In work initial and boundary statements of the problem are also presented.
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Keywords: pure rooms, two-phase currents, aero - and mass exchange, modeling of processes, entry and boundary conditions.
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UDC 536.244; 621.512-222
Definition of local concentration of the polluting particles in «pure rooms»
The role of the rooms equipped with systems of special purification of air constantly grows and is very important in many branches, including in electronics, food branch, pharmaceutics, medicine, etc. It is possible to define operability of «the pure room» only at his existence, but such experiments cost much, demanding a large number of appliances and time for their carrying out. The design techniques of "pure rooms" existing now, don't consider essential heterogeneity on space of concentration of the polluting particles that leads to unreasonable overestimate of cost of each meter of the room. In this work prerequisites of creation of the mathematical model allowing to determine local concentration of the polluting particles by room space eventually are made. It will allow to simplify a problem of check of operability of pure rooms at a stage of their design. Navier-Stokes's equations and the equation of change chemical components are the basis for the offered mathematical model of studying of the movement of air with the aerosol (polluting) particles. Novelty of model consists in attempt to describe the localized giving of clean air and to definition of the field of the polluting aerosol particles on room volume. In work initial and boundary statements of the problem are also presented.
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Keywords: pure rooms, two-phase currents, aero - and mass exchange, modeling of processes, entry and boundary conditions.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1148-2016-9-3-1-4