September 2016 (published: 30.09.2016)
Number 3(23)
Home > Issue > Storages – stores of the plants of liquefied natural gas
Baranov Aleksandr Yu., Berezin N.A. , Andreev A.M. , Tihonov K.A. , Khitrov N.A.
Diversification of modes of energy resources supply is the foundation of Russia’s economic stability. Conversion in LNG some part of natural gas export delivery increases competitive opportunities of exporters. It is scheduled construction of several LNG plants in Russian Federation. The storage tank of finished products is an important engineering element of this plant. The cost of storage tank has a determining influence on the value of all LNG plant. The analysis of scientific literature on the construction of insulated tank (IT) for liquid methane allows prove the choice of the most upcoming trend of the construction of such storages. It is shown, that the membrane type cryogenic storage are made with less cost of structural materials and working time. The best part of the membrane tank (MT) components can be produced in the factory environment. It is recommended to focus the research on this type of IT.
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Keywords: diversification, LNG, insulated tank, membrane tank.
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Storages – stores of the plants of liquefied natural gas
Diversification of modes of energy resources supply is the foundation of Russia’s economic stability. Conversion in LNG some part of natural gas export delivery increases competitive opportunities of exporters. It is scheduled construction of several LNG plants in Russian Federation. The storage tank of finished products is an important engineering element of this plant. The cost of storage tank has a determining influence on the value of all LNG plant. The analysis of scientific literature on the construction of insulated tank (IT) for liquid methane allows prove the choice of the most upcoming trend of the construction of such storages. It is shown, that the membrane type cryogenic storage are made with less cost of structural materials and working time. The best part of the membrane tank (MT) components can be produced in the factory environment. It is recommended to focus the research on this type of IT.
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Keywords: diversification, LNG, insulated tank, membrane tank.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1148-2016-9-3-21-25