Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55410 от 17.09.2013
зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций

December 2016 (published: 05.12.2016)

Number 4(24)

Home > Issue > The prospects of use of thermal pumps in systems of ventilation

UDC 621.577.2

The prospects of use of thermal pumps in systems of ventilation

Nikitin А. А., Krylov V. А., Muraveinikov S.S.

Increasing requirements on the quality of life set ever higher standards of performance of ventilation systems used in modern construction. These characteristics affect not only the comfort of people, but also on their health. Many studies have shown relation between amount of supplied fresh air and the number of cases of so-called "building related diseases." Also, some scientists have identified raising level of employee’s productivity with improving quality of the internal environment. Therefore, improving health, comfort and safety of the building occupants has the potential for economic and social benefits through increased productivity, reduced sickness level and medical costs. It is expedient and economically justified to use increasingly sophisticated ventilation systems, both in new buildings and in modernizing existing ones. However, this leads to increasing of operation costs as well as capital costs. According to researchers in European countries, the share energy consumption by the ventilation system can make up to 60% of the total building energy consumption. Consequently, improvement of energy efficiency of ventilation system alone could have a significant impact on the economic aspects of the operation of building. And applying of the heat pumps based technologies to these systems could be one of the key ways to achieve these goals.
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Keywords: heat pump, ventilation systems, heat exchange process, energy efficiency, air parameters.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1148-2016-9-4-57-61

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