March 2017 (published: 22.03.2017)
Number 1(25)
Home > Issue > Application of analysis model of the plant for producing «Ice slurry».
Analysis of the results
Kruglov A. A., Tazitdinov R.R.
An algorithm of calculation of vacuum-evaporating installations for the production of iceslurry by spraying water. The calculation algorithm consists of 5 blocks:source data, heat and material balance, water vapor vacuum system and the description of the atomization process; process of drops crystallization; determination of the geometric parameters of the tank-crystallizer. The calculations are made according to the developed algorithm; the results are presented in form of graphs. Analyze the following parameters: influence of drop diameter on time complete freeze; influence of drop diameter on the height of the crystallization zone and the radius of the tank- crystallizer; influence of the fluidized bed porosity at a deposition rate of droplets in different diameter; influence of the mass fraction of ice in ice slurryon pumping speed of water vapor at different thermal capacity.
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Keywords: ice slurry, vacuum-evaporation crystallization, drops crystallization, computation algorithm, tank-crystallizer, fluidized bed.
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UDC 621.56
Application of analysis model of the plant for producing «Ice slurry».
Analysis of the results
An algorithm of calculation of vacuum-evaporating installations for the production of iceslurry by spraying water. The calculation algorithm consists of 5 blocks:source data, heat and material balance, water vapor vacuum system and the description of the atomization process; process of drops crystallization; determination of the geometric parameters of the tank-crystallizer. The calculations are made according to the developed algorithm; the results are presented in form of graphs. Analyze the following parameters: influence of drop diameter on time complete freeze; influence of drop diameter on the height of the crystallization zone and the radius of the tank- crystallizer; influence of the fluidized bed porosity at a deposition rate of droplets in different diameter; influence of the mass fraction of ice in ice slurryon pumping speed of water vapor at different thermal capacity.
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Keywords: ice slurry, vacuum-evaporation crystallization, drops crystallization, computation algorithm, tank-crystallizer, fluidized bed.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1148-2017-10-1-1-7