December 2017 (published: 22.12.2017)
Number 4(27)
Home > Issue > Reasons of corrosion damageability of the equipment
refrigerating equipment
Ermakov B.S., Vologjanina Svetlana A, Igolkina E.V. , Ermakov S.B.
Corrosion damage of equipment is one of the main reasons for the accelerated failure of the machines and apparatuses of refrigeration equipment. Among the various types of corrosion is the most dangerous MKK – intergranular corrosion that develops at the grain boundaries of materials. This type of corrosion affects all corrosion resistant alloy steels, including austenitic stainless steel grade. The work investigated the resistance of steel containing 18% chromium, 10-13% Nickel in conditions simulating the operating conditions of the equipment exposed during the operation of the processing or repair, in particular, welding warm UPS in the long run. Testing the propensity of a material to the ICC was carried out according to the method of AMU (GOST 6052-75) austenitizing samples after provoking heating in the temperature range 670 – 1070К during the time from 0.5 to 100 h Were performed studies of mechanical properties of steel in authentisierung state and after provoking a tendency to ICC warm-UPS, the methods of emission spectral microscopy and auger spectroscopy were studied the surface of fracture samples, provided data on the redistribution of major alloying and impurity elements in the grain boundaries of the steel after provoking heating and the role of the grain boundary of the formed CE-gregate in the change of resistance of steel against exposure to corrosive environments. The emergence and development of non-equilibrium segregation of phosphorus in the course of a provoking tendency to warmed up ICC-world war II causes a decrease in the cohesion of grain boundaries and, conse-quently, leads to a decrease in corrosion resistance and embrittlement of the material.
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Keywords: Corrosion damage, intergranular corrosion, austenitic steel, refrigeration equipment, curves of Roloson, proc-togram destruction
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UDC 620.197.1
Reasons of corrosion damageability of the equipment
refrigerating equipment
Corrosion damage of equipment is one of the main reasons for the accelerated failure of the machines and apparatuses of refrigeration equipment. Among the various types of corrosion is the most dangerous MKK – intergranular corrosion that develops at the grain boundaries of materials. This type of corrosion affects all corrosion resistant alloy steels, including austenitic stainless steel grade. The work investigated the resistance of steel containing 18% chromium, 10-13% Nickel in conditions simulating the operating conditions of the equipment exposed during the operation of the processing or repair, in particular, welding warm UPS in the long run. Testing the propensity of a material to the ICC was carried out according to the method of AMU (GOST 6052-75) austenitizing samples after provoking heating in the temperature range 670 – 1070К during the time from 0.5 to 100 h Were performed studies of mechanical properties of steel in authentisierung state and after provoking a tendency to ICC warm-UPS, the methods of emission spectral microscopy and auger spectroscopy were studied the surface of fracture samples, provided data on the redistribution of major alloying and impurity elements in the grain boundaries of the steel after provoking heating and the role of the grain boundary of the formed CE-gregate in the change of resistance of steel against exposure to corrosive environments. The emergence and development of non-equilibrium segregation of phosphorus in the course of a provoking tendency to warmed up ICC-world war II causes a decrease in the cohesion of grain boundaries and, conse-quently, leads to a decrease in corrosion resistance and embrittlement of the material.
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Keywords: Corrosion damage, intergranular corrosion, austenitic steel, refrigeration equipment, curves of Roloson, proc-togram destruction
DOI 10.17586/2310-1148-2017-10-4-3-12