March 2018 (published: 29.03.2018)
Number 1(28)
Home > Issue > Assessment of energy consumption for heating and cooling buildings
Lysyov V.I. , Kotsyulim N.N. , Kuchansky V.A.
Energy consumption by building environment systems is based on calculation of annual expenses of thermal and electric energies on microclimate provision in premises of the building at its heating and cooling. Numerical values of energy characteristics and indicators are regulated by normative documents depending on the purpose of a particular building. To determine the annual energy consumption of the building, it is necessary to know the thermal and geometric characteristics of its individual enclosing structures, as well as the conditions of the building, depending on the climatic conditions of the region in which it is located. The analysis of the existing normative documents on calculation of annual expenses of thermal and electric energy consumed by building environment systems in premises of public purpose buildings was carried out. This made it possible to perform the necessary calculations to determine the energy consumption for the heating and cooling periods. The results were compared with the normative values.
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Keywords: building environment systems, heating and cooling seasons, heat and cold consumption, outdoor air parameters, energetic characteristics and indicators, energy use of building.
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Assessment of energy consumption for heating and cooling buildings
Energy consumption by building environment systems is based on calculation of annual expenses of thermal and electric energies on microclimate provision in premises of the building at its heating and cooling. Numerical values of energy characteristics and indicators are regulated by normative documents depending on the purpose of a particular building. To determine the annual energy consumption of the building, it is necessary to know the thermal and geometric characteristics of its individual enclosing structures, as well as the conditions of the building, depending on the climatic conditions of the region in which it is located. The analysis of the existing normative documents on calculation of annual expenses of thermal and electric energy consumed by building environment systems in premises of public purpose buildings was carried out. This made it possible to perform the necessary calculations to determine the energy consumption for the heating and cooling periods. The results were compared with the normative values.
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Keywords: building environment systems, heating and cooling seasons, heat and cold consumption, outdoor air parameters, energetic characteristics and indicators, energy use of building.