SEPTEMBER 2009 (published: 10.03.2009)
Number 2(5)
Home > Issue > Dynamics of a slider-crank mechanism with соnrod bearing clearances
Kulaev D.
Nowadays vibroacoustic diagnostics to detect mechanism damage is widely used. The signal-noise relation determines whether the method is adequate. This ratio can be augmented by appropriate selection of mode of operation of the mechanism when it is diagnosticated. The paper realizes a dynamic model of a slider-crank mechanism with con-rod bearing clearances as a system of differential equations which allows selecting more informative condition of diagnostics.
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Keywords: piston machine, slider-crank mechanism, diagnostics, vibroacoustic, mode of operation, clearances, dynamics, impact rate.
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Dynamics of a slider-crank mechanism with соnrod bearing clearances
Nowadays vibroacoustic diagnostics to detect mechanism damage is widely used. The signal-noise relation determines whether the method is adequate. This ratio can be augmented by appropriate selection of mode of operation of the mechanism when it is diagnosticated. The paper realizes a dynamic model of a slider-crank mechanism with con-rod bearing clearances as a system of differential equations which allows selecting more informative condition of diagnostics.
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Keywords: piston machine, slider-crank mechanism, diagnostics, vibroacoustic, mode of operation, clearances, dynamics, impact rate.