2014 (published: 11.02.2014)
Number 1(14)
Home > Issue > Measurement precision structures KA
in the thermal vacuum conditions
Ananiev A.A., Testoedov N.A., Dvirny V.V. , Dvirny G.B.
In the article, a system of measurement of geometrical character-istics of precision structures of a SPACECRAFT in the thermal vacuum conditions. RAS by the way of adaptation of measuring equipment to термовакуумнымconditions.
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Keywords: termobarakamer, precision design, termogermokonteyner, deep vacuum germoboks, high-precision measurements.
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Measurement precision structures KA
in the thermal vacuum conditions
In the article, a system of measurement of geometrical character-istics of precision structures of a SPACECRAFT in the thermal vacuum conditions. RAS by the way of adaptation of measuring equipment to термовакуумнымconditions.
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Keywords: termobarakamer, precision design, termogermokonteyner, deep vacuum germoboks, high-precision measurements.