2014 (published: 11.02.2014)
Number 1(14)
Home > Issue > Energy efficiency and ecological safety technicians of low temperatures
Baranenko A.V., Khovalyg D.M., Alexandr P. Tsoy, Sinitsyna K.M.
The analysis of development of technology of low temperatures at the present stage is submitted. Wave and linear compressors, and also heat exchangers with minichannels have prospect of application. Application of the last will provide creation of refrigerators with ultralow filling with the refrigerating agent. It is specified expediency of researches on search of new effective hladonositel. Solid-state coolers, and also the refrigerating systems using renewable and secondary energy resources will gain distribution. The additional economy of energy is provided by application of optimum refrigerating technologies.
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Keywords: compressors, minichannels, evaporators, condensers, coolants, hladonositel, energy saving, absorbing cars, effective radiation, air conditioning.
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Energy efficiency and ecological safety technicians of low temperatures
The analysis of development of technology of low temperatures at the present stage is submitted. Wave and linear compressors, and also heat exchangers with minichannels have prospect of application. Application of the last will provide creation of refrigerators with ultralow filling with the refrigerating agent. It is specified expediency of researches on search of new effective hladonositel. Solid-state coolers, and also the refrigerating systems using renewable and secondary energy resources will gain distribution. The additional economy of energy is provided by application of optimum refrigerating technologies.
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Keywords: compressors, minichannels, evaporators, condensers, coolants, hladonositel, energy saving, absorbing cars, effective radiation, air conditioning.