Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55410 от 17.09.2013
зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций

June 2018 (published: 22.06.2018)

Number 2(29)

Home > List of authors > Rusakov S.V.

Rusakov S.V.

Work place:

Technical Director JSC «Baltic Climate Company»


Технический директор


Rusakov S.V. К расчету тепловых и влажностных нагрузок ледовых катков Нагрузка от радиационного переноса теплоты

The article was published in issue1 за 2014

Rusakov S.V. To calculation of thermal and moist loadings ice skating rinks Loading from radiantheat transfer

The article was published in issue1 за 2014

Rusakov S.V. Evaluation of the effect of humidity on the quality of the microclimate in the ice rink and on the condition of the ice surface

The article was published in issue2 за 2015

Rusakov S.V. Assessment of the impact of the ice resurfacer the air quality in the hall of an indoor ice rink

The article was published in issue4 за 2016

Rusakov S.V. The choice of the scheme of air distribution from ventilation and air-conditioning systems in the hall of the small indoor ice rink

The article was published in issue2 за 2017

Rusakov S.V. Regarding the issue of maintaining humidity in the hall of the indoor ice rink

The article was published in issue2 за 2018

Editorial address:
191002, St. Petersburg, street. Lomonosova 9, office. 2132

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