Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55410 от 17.09.2013
зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций

June 2015 (published: 28.05.2015)

Number 2(18)

Home > Issue > Evaluation of the effect of humidity on the quality of the microclimate in the ice rink and on the condition of the ice surface

UDC 628.8, 697.9

Evaluation of the effect of humidity on the quality of the microclimate in the ice rink and on the condition of the ice surface

Rusakov S.V.

The paper examines the main regularities of the influence of humidity of the air surrounding the ice rink in the conditions of the halls of artificial skating rinks and ice arenas, on the functional properties of the halls, on the microclimate inside and on the qualitative characteristics of the ice surface. Discusses the negative effects associated with high humidity in the room, such as the formation of fog in volume, condensation in building envelopes. The quantitative evaluation of the influence of humidity on the magnitude of the heat load on the ice. Given the method of calculation of the mass flow condensation water vapor from the air, depending on the parameters of the microclimate in the room, as an important component of the heat and humidity load of the hall for the design of air conditioning systems . Discusses the requirements of various ice sports to the indicators of humidity at the surface of ice, as the input data for selecting the calculated humidity parameters in the design of air conditioning systems . The article can be used for engineering calculations in the design, construction and operation of artificial ice rinks.
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Keywords: indoor ice skating rink, designing artificial ice rinks, maintaining humidity in the hall of the rink, air conditioning in ice skating rinks, ice heat exchange surface with the surrounding air.

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