June 2015 (published: 28.05.2015)
Number 2(18)
Home > Issue > The heat using refrigeration unit of the vehicle for storage And transportation of food
Savchuk N.A. , Kochenkov N.V.
Relevance of the problem put in article consists in increasing the general efficiency of the automobile internal combustion engine (ICE) with its refrigeration unit on 3 … 7% due to use waste (the warmth which is thrown out with flue gases) for compression of a working body (for example, freon) for its further useful application in the refrigeration unit. Basic possibility of use as devices of compression of a working body of automobile cold storage trucks of the patentable heat using compressors which advantage is possibility of utilization of warmth of the DVS flue gases of the vehicle is shown. Possibility of utilization of warmth of the DVS flue gases of cars cold storage trucks, and especially diesel at which flue gases have rather high temperature about 450 … 600оC, will significantly increase efficiency of the refrigeration unit in general for the vehicle, and to allow to cut fuel consumption.
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Keywords: DVS, the car cold storage truck, the refrigeration unit, the compressor heat using the compressor, a working body, a compression ratio.
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The heat using refrigeration unit of the vehicle for storage And transportation of food
Relevance of the problem put in article consists in increasing the general efficiency of the automobile internal combustion engine (ICE) with its refrigeration unit on 3 … 7% due to use waste (the warmth which is thrown out with flue gases) for compression of a working body (for example, freon) for its further useful application in the refrigeration unit. Basic possibility of use as devices of compression of a working body of automobile cold storage trucks of the patentable heat using compressors which advantage is possibility of utilization of warmth of the DVS flue gases of the vehicle is shown. Possibility of utilization of warmth of the DVS flue gases of cars cold storage trucks, and especially diesel at which flue gases have rather high temperature about 450 … 600оC, will significantly increase efficiency of the refrigeration unit in general for the vehicle, and to allow to cut fuel consumption.
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Keywords: DVS, the car cold storage truck, the refrigeration unit, the compressor heat using the compressor, a working body, a compression ratio.